Monday 25 April 2011

Bokeh - The Aesthetic Quality of the Blur

Failed Bokeh Picture
- Dan -

We got interested in 'Bokeh' after a shot Dan took on our visit to London for the earlier part of this assignment in which we were experimenting with depth of field. After taking an extremely close up photo of a branch we noticed on the camera display a series of perfect circles in the background. We both thought this looked really cool and Dan remembered that there was actually a name for this blurring effect as he had seen a online tutorial about it. Unfortunately when the picture was viewed on a normal sized screen we noticed the branch itself was slightly out of focus and so annoyingly it couldn't be submitted.

So when it came to the second part of this first year photography assignment and we were instructed to choose a third category of our choice, we both decided to give Bokeh a go. 

And so the online tutorials and articles on DIY Bokeh began...

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